Monday, September 30, 2024

One Word Film Reflection

Assignment Description:

For this assignment, we worked in pairs to develop a short film representing a specific word given to us by our teacher.

In the film, we weren’t allowed to include any dialogue or music with words, which really forced us to think outside the box on how to develop it. We were instructed to use different camera shots and angles along with a few editing techniques that were taught to us in class. 

Planning/ development:

The word that we got assigned was “Envious”.

Me and my partner began our assignment by completing a brainstorming sheet to list out our idea for the film and how we were going to execute it using all the techniques we’ve learned in class. 

Once we had created a solid storyline, we created a storyboard to illustrate our film and make it easier to visualize. This helped us decide whether or not our idea was going to work out well or not and what the shots were goig to look like when executed.

After all our planning was done and we got our teacher’s approval, we began with the filming.

Then, we summed up all our clips into a single video using iMovie. This software helped us cut up our film to the shots we wanted and it could all be done with much ease. The brainstorming and storyboard sheets helped us put together the film in the order we visualized it in and also helped us remember what editing techniques were going to be used at each part of the film.


Things I think needed more work were the story part of the project, and put more thought into our idea portion.

However, I think the main idea of our film was pretty clear and the editing came out well.

Our project:

One Word Film

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Camara Shots Quiz Reflection

Assignment Description:

For this assignment, we worked in groups of two.

The instructions stated we should create a visual story using two inanimate objects as protagonists. We had to include 15 shots, such as establishing shot, long shot, medium shot, close-up shots, extreme close-up shots, a point of view shot, and angle shots. The last few shots were our choice.

The goal of this project was to develop a story through photographs and organization of various shot types.


We mapped out the basic points of the assignment and started brainstorming ideas for our story. Once we decided on a solid plot, we moved onto the characters of our story. We thought about the basic items we had in our bags, and chose two things as our protagonists, which happened to be a dry shampoo bottle and an empty makeup bag. 

For our shots, we picked the ones which conveyed the strongest themes to go along with our scenes.


Overall, I think that my parter and I completed our project with great success and elaborated our story thoroughly and payed attention to the essential points of the assigned project.

I believe our story has a great impact on the viewer and really portrays the idea we wanted it to.

Something I wish could've been different was the scenery, which we expected to have been different, which led to a shift in the story.

Our project:

The Lost Bottle

Group Meeting #2

 Hi everyone! In class today we had a group meeting to help each other out with ideas for our CCR videos. First up, Emi introduced her two ...