Sunday, February 23, 2025

Importance of Credits

 Hey there! For my post today I will write about important aspects of the credits.

Something that I was wondering as my teacher spoke about credits for our opening, was whether the order of the credit imported. Upon my research these are a few conclusions that I have come up with.

Main actor credit should be placed first when the scene begins. I would like to begin with my credits as soon as Camila sees her new face in the mirror, to symbolize that she is that main actor and add individualism to her character, separating it from the other credits. 

I also researched what are many important credits to use in the into credits and stumbled upon a website that helped me widen the list of credits I had noted in class.

  1. The production company
  2. The title of the film
  3. The leading actor/actress
  4. The rest of the leading cast
  5. The supporting cast
  6. The casting director
  7. The film score composer
  8. The lead costume designer
  9. The associate producers
  10. The lead editor
  11. The production designer
  12. The director of photography
  13. The executive producers
  14. The line producer
  15. The writer(s)
  16. The director

Websites used for research:

Film credits unveiled: Your complete guide to acknowledging contributors (Descript) -

How you should structure your film credits (

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Group Meeting #2

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