Two genres that i think could have a large impact and go along well with the plot are drama and documentary. I would like to make my film opening about a teen girl that makes small changes to her self image and eventually decides to get a facial surgery to make herself "perfect" after many failed attempts at changing herself on a smaller spectrum so that she could fit in and be seen as "prettier". This would be an exaggeration of how many teenage girls change themselves to fit in or be accepted by others around them, regardless of what measures they would have to go through.
Genre option - Drama:
I believe drama would be a great choice considering it usually includes a more serious tone and is more emotional. It is made to appeal to the viewer so that they keep watching, which I think makes it the perfect genre for my storyline idea.
example film: Whiplash
This film's introduction includes a lot of sound connected cues, which draws the viewer closer to the mail character as soon as the film begins. I would most likely use this combination of shots and sound to start off the opening and have the viewer see themselves in the position of the teenage girl.
The film also includes many ups and downs of the protagonist's mental state which is a good choice for a film that wants to connect with the viewers, since it makes is seem more organic and natural how not everything in life succeeds straight away.
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