Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Group Meeting #2

 Hi everyone! In class today we had a group meeting to help each other out with ideas for our CCR videos.

First up, Emi introduced her two beginning ideas. For one video she wants to pretend to be a super famous actress who will unbox fan mail like gifts, letters, and more. For her other one, she has the base idea that she wants to make it an interview, but she doesn’t have the idea developed all the way yet.

Next, Jano mentioned how he wants to make his video of him self being interviewed in the car and getting asked what he does for a living, where he will incorporate his two questions. For the other one, he will make a YouTube vlog of him talking about his film on-set and showing a behind the scenes video of his process.

Later, Mariana mentioned that she wants to do a Vogue: What’s in my Purse Challenge where she either takes out props from her film or CCR questions. She is still struggling to find a second idea for her CCR.

After, Isa thinks that her CCR ideas can be a fake mock trial where she will be the witness as the producer. Her second CCR idea was to be interviewed as a football player after defeating their opposing theme. She planned to dress up with football gear 

Lastly, Sofia was thinking of making a breaking news report, where she will be interviewed, which she said would go along well with her film opening. For her second CCR video, she wants to bake something food related to answer questions and the idea is that what she bakes is a symbol of her film and the hard work. 

Overall, this group meeting helped me develop my final ideas for my CCR posts, which i will mention on my next post.

Tuesday, March 11, 2025


 Hi readers! I have been off of posting for the past week due to not having any content filmed, which has set me back on my project. 

The set for my movie is my sister's room, as I explained earlier in my posts, but it has been a bit conflictive because neither one of us have been home (due to both of our different extracurriculars) at the same time so that she can clean and we can film together. We talked it out, and tomorrow we are taking the day off and dedicating it to the filming process.

We had to come to an agreement and concluded that I would help her clean so that we can film quickly and still have time to do any other homework assignments. We are going to spend around an hour filming so that I can have at least 2/3 of my filming needed so I can also start to edit. 

Group Meeting #2

 Hi everyone! In class today we had a group meeting to help each other out with ideas for our CCR videos. First up, Emi introduced her two ...