Thursday, March 13, 2025

CCR #1+2

 Hey guys! As we approach the last days of the Cambridge portfolio project, we must answer 4 questions in a test portion called CCR (creative critical reflection).

My teacher suggested that we make two videos, each incorporating two of the CCR questions together at a time. 

These questions are:

  • How does your product use or challenge conventions and how does it represent social groups or issues?
  • How does your product engage with audiences and how would it be distributed as a real media text?

I want to incorporate these questions into a quick 4-5 minute interview in which I will pretend to be a real surgeon and get asked about how my two jobs blend together and work in harmony. 

For the begging of the interview, I will have gloves, face mask, and scrubs on to create the look. I will also have my hair tied up so it looks more professional. 

This is the look I am trying to achieve. 

The supplies and production for this video will be quite simple, since I will just set up a tripod to record me, and the costume includes things I already have at home

These questions can easily be answered based on my film idea, since I have the Hispanic/ Latina representation with "Camila's" character who faces real world problems that many teens in Latin America go through. 

I'll keep you guys on the know about what script I will develop for these questions.  

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Script #1