Thursday, February 13, 2025

Lost in The Script

Hey everybody! In today's post I will show you my script... hopefully it wont bore you.

In my opening I want to show a large contrast of Camila's different personalities as the opening progresses, which I will accentuate within the way she acts as well as the way her room looks. To make the film look organic, I am thinking of making many long shots without many cuts, which means a lot of practice takes when I truly film.

*important*: I want to accentuate how Camila doesn't wear her glasses anymore and sort of loses her identity. I want that to be able to be analyzed when watching the opening. I have to further develop those shots to add more meaning.

Next week, I will make my storyboard and have it displayed and explained on its own post, so keep an eye out for that!


Lights flash onto CAMILA's face. It is covered in bandages from her surgery. She can't seem to be able to focus her sight as she suddenly takes a cutting deep breath in. Heart monitor beeping can be heard slowing in the background.

CUT TO: ECU of Camila's eyes slowly blinking shut as the heart monitor flatlines.




I wish we knew what was going on inside her head.



ECU of Camila in her bed at home waking up from her alarm.

Camila opens her eyes abruptly. ZOOM OUT. Camila has a tight slick-back hairstyle. She reaches over to shut off the alarm and grab her glasses.

CUT INTO: Image of her nightstand as she shuts off alarm and her hand reaching for glasses. CAMARA PANS LEFT as Camila puts the glasses on and gets up from her bed enthusiastically.

TRACKING SHOT as Camila walks over to see her reflection in the mirror

CAMILA (whispering to herself)

Today’s the day.


She takes a deep breath, staring at herself in the mirror.


CUT TO: Title sequence


Camila opens her eyes hazily. ZOOM OUT. She reaches over lazily to shut off the alarm and doesn't grab her glasses.

CUT INTO: Image of her nightstand as she shuts off alarm. CAMARA PANS LEFT as Camila rubs her eyes and gets up from her bed slowly.

She walks to her mirror once again.

The schedule, that was previously set up nicely on her wall next to her mirror, is now ripped off halfway and crumpled up on the floor. 

Camila faces the mirror.




(groaning) I can be different. I just have to try harder.


She looks at the stacks of books, knocks them down, then looks at her clothes: plain. TRACKING SHOT as Camila then walks over to her closet and grabs a shirt she had never payed attention to before.

CLOSE UP to her hands as they reach for a bright pink top, in contrast to her usual bland outfits. She hesitates but finally takes the shirt off of the hanger to put it on.



Now dressed differently, Camila's hair is free from her regular hairstyle and styled slightly more “fashionably.” She looks at herself in the mirror. Camila smiles. She takes one last look and then walks out of her bathroom, grabs her backpack, and heads out the door.

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CCR #4 + Script