Hi! My vlog today will be dedicated to how I will include the Identity theory within my opening.
Description of theory by David Gauntlett: People make sense of their identity through affiliation with larger groups. The media does not create identity but reflects them.
In Camila's story, the Identity Theory can be applied to explore how she discovers her sense of self within a society that prioritizes fitting in with particular beauty standards. According to Gauntlett, identity is not something that the media creates, but something people form through their association with larger social groups. For Camila, this theory works out as she gives in to the standards of beauty and popularity set by the other girls around her in school. Throughout the film opening, Camila attempts to transform herself, at first through smaller changes like clothing and attitude, before eventually takes the risk of undergoing surgery.
This shows the media’s importance in presenting certain beauty goals to the public and how people take them in to fit in with their social group. The media plays a large part in shaping the beauty standards that Camila believes she must follow to in order to be accepted by those around her. Camila’s surgery can be seen as an attempt to make herself line up with the image of a "perfect" teenage girl. By changing her appearance, she is trying to reflect back as the group she wishes she could to belong to, reflecting her mental struggle of finding her own identity and meeting expectations of others around her.
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