Friday, February 28, 2025


 Hello readers! Small post today, but I will be speaking of who my cast will be for this film opening.

To fit the Hispanic physical traits, I will use my own sister to act for the character of Camila. She has the traditional thick black hair, she has dark eyes and relatively tan skin.

For the voice that speaks during the end of the hospital scene, I will ask my mom to say it, since she speaks fluent English, but still has a small accent whenever she speaks, which many Hispanic teenagers’ parents have. She won’t have any on-screen time, which will make it easier for us to take as many shots as needed to make the fit exactly like how I had it in mind.

Wednesday, February 26, 2025


 Hey everyone! Today I'll be talking about some of the issues I faced while developing my project. 

One major obstacle I faced while developing my film opening was figuring out how to show Camila’s struggles without using too much dialogue. Since the story is about her changing herself to fit in, I had to rely a lot on facial expressions, body language, and small details in her environment to get the message across. This was difficult because I wanted to make sure the audience could understand her emotions without making it too obvious or exaggerated. I asked a friend what she thought I should do and she suggested I change her rooms appearance to reflect how she feels inside by making it messier.  

Another issue I faced was planning the setting and props to match Camila’s personality and struggles. I wanted her bedroom to feel plain and structured at first, but I had to think about how to make that look interesting on camera. Making sure her environment reflected her transformation also took a lot of planning, like deciding which objects would stay the same and which would change over time. Since I was working with limited resources, I had to get creative with what I already had instead of buying new decorations. In the end, I think these challenges helped me improve my storytelling skills and pay attention to small details that make a big impact on my storyline.

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Audio Work: Soundscape Planning

 Hey everybody! I’m almost at the end of this planning and would like to include a detailed sound layout I would use along with the dialogue in my film opening. 

Got it! Since the surgery isn’t shown in the end, I’ll adjust the sound outline to focus on her internal struggle rather than a post-surgery reveal.

Hospital Room (Opening Scene) 00:00 – 00:10 
- Heart monitor beeping. This introduces the medical setting and Camila’s state.  
- Background chatter (quiet). Shows people are all around Camila. Slowly fades away to nothing. 

Transition to Bedroom 00:10 – 00:15
- Alarm clock ringing. Signals the shift from the hospital to Camila’s daily life (before the surgery)  

Camila’s Bedroom (morning) 00:15 – 1:00
- Bedsheets rustling. Adds realism as Camila moves in bed to get up. 
- Birds chirping. Indicates the early morning setting
- Click of glasses being picked up. Highlights Camila’s routine and dependence on her glasses as a part of her. 
- Footsteps on the floor. Adds movement to the room.
- Drawer opening and closing. Shows her selecting clothes, reflecting her tidy nature. 

Camila’s Bedroom (evening) 1:00 – 1:15
- Clock ticking softly. Creates a sense of time passing
- Pages turning in a book. Shows her academic focus and routine.
- Pen scribbling on paper. Represents note-taking 

Self-Image Reflection & Change (following morning) 01:15– 01:45
- Alarm ringing. Shows repetition of her previous morning but on another spectrum 
- Deep sigh. Camila’s internal struggle
- Subtle slow creak of the closet door. Highlights her hesitation before picking a new outfit
- Fabric rustling. Indicates her changing into different clothes.

Decision moment 01:45 – 01:55
- Zipping of a bag. Represents her being certain about her outfit of choice
- Quick sigh. Shows she's ready to begin the day
- Muffled family conversation in the background. Reflects a distant yet present family dynamic.

Final Scene 01:55 – 02:00
- Soft exhale. Suggests emotional change.
- Slow, melancholic or suspenseful music fade-in. Reflects uncertainty if she likes her new self. 
- Door closing. As she walks out the house (gives suspenseful ending) 

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Importance of Credits

 Hey there! For my post today I will write about important aspects of the credits.

Something that I was wondering as my teacher spoke about credits for our opening, was whether the order of the credit imported. Upon my research these are a few conclusions that I have come up with.

Main actor credit should be placed first when the scene begins. I would like to begin with my credits as soon as Camila sees her new face in the mirror, to symbolize that she is that main actor and add individualism to her character, separating it from the other credits. 

I also researched what are many important credits to use in the into credits and stumbled upon a website that helped me widen the list of credits I had noted in class.

  1. The production company
  2. The title of the film
  3. The leading actor/actress
  4. The rest of the leading cast
  5. The supporting cast
  6. The casting director
  7. The film score composer
  8. The lead costume designer
  9. The associate producers
  10. The lead editor
  11. The production designer
  12. The director of photography
  13. The executive producers
  14. The line producer
  15. The writer(s)
  16. The director

Websites used for research:

Film credits unveiled: Your complete guide to acknowledging contributors (Descript) -

How you should structure your film credits (

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Character Development

 Hi reader! Since I have already made a previous post regarding my plot, which included a brief development of my character (Camila), I will be writing about the elements around her that make her who she is.


Camila's parents have strong Hispanic values and focus on discipline and education. They support her on everything, but also have high expectations for herusually putting off the importance of developing a social life to simply focus her studiesAlthough they financially support her, they do not discuss issues like self-imageand she is left to reflect on her physical image on her own.


Camila prefers to keep to herself and concentrate on her studies rather than having a circle of friends. She, at times, talks with students, but she finds it hard to build strong relationships because of her awkwardness and quiet personality. Even though she has no aspects of popular people, she still wishes to be like them and be a part of their group.


Camila stands out as a student in her competitive high school. She feels that all the hard courses she takes overpower her everyday life. Beauty standards are reinforced in the school she goes to, since many girls follow a particular lifestyle and appearance aesthetic. Although Camila's intelligence is seen as very significant, she still feels segregated by her appearance and insecurity.


Camila plays an instrument (like the piano or violin) as an escape from the stresses of her everyday life. Despite loving music, she barely ever expresses her love for it to others because she views it as just another chore on her intense schedule. She eventually loses interest in her passion for her instrument as she becomes busier with changing her image.

I’m going to try to include these elements along the opening sequences to add a more developed storyline to the plot. 

Thursday, February 20, 2025

Audio Work: Music

 Hey guys! Today I will share my thoughts on how I will develop sounds onto my film opening.

First off, since the very beginning of the story and the first shot(s) has such an intense impact onto the rest of the film, I was thinking of adding somber instrumental music onto it. This would be necessary since this whole scene would be filmed with little to no dialogue. My music choice for this scene is taken from the website, which provides music that is free to use as long as the correct credits are given, which the website formulates automatically. I spent around 5 minutes browsing their music library and came down on the decision to use the song Technology Corporate by Aylex.

The credits I must give for using this piece are:

Music track: Technology Corporate by Aylex


Vlog Music for Video (Free Download)

As the opening of the film progresses, I was thinking of not including more music and making all the sounds diegetic to add a natural aspect to it, making it seem more organic and relatable. The only moment I will be using music is during the first scene, and up until the end of the title sequence as reality sets in to the real beginning of the story.

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Mise-èn-scene Development Struggles: Costuming

 Hi everyone! Today’s post will be about my costuming ideas for my film opening.

Opening up the film, I will use bandage from my first aid kit at home, along with an arrangement of bandaids along the actor’s nose to seem as if they just got it done. I will also use makeup to make it look as if the facial area around the nose is all bruised. I will also try to find clothes similar to hospital gowns, but if it doesn’t seem realistic enough, I was thinking of going to my pediatrician and ask if I could have a discardable one for the purpose of this project. 

Later on, as Camila is in her room when she gets up, she will be wearing simple black and white clothes as she doesn't want to stand out and is overall a dull person. Later on, she will change to a bright pink shirt to represent her personality change and new train of thought.

Friday, February 14, 2025

Mise-èn-scene Development Struggles: Set + Props + Lighting

Hi readers! Today I will be blogging about how I plan to make certain parts of my film seem as realistic as possible using my set, props, and specific lighting.

Hospital scene(set+lighting)- I was thinking about using ring lights to include as much light as possible within the hospital bed scene so that it seems like the real pale lighting within an actual hospital. I will make sure to keep a close up shot so that not many elements can be seen other than the girl's face to not give away how it's not truly being filmed within a hospital.

Lume Cube Cordless Ring Light Pro

Room Decor (set&props)- To make Camila's room fit her initial self, I will use my sister's room, since it has mostly black to white decorations and not much color, compared to my room which I have decorated with pink things everywhere... With the black and white scale, I can create a more organized image for Camila, since it will look more clean. Also, as she will have many books stacked up on her dresser, I need to find whichever books i can find scattered throughout my room to add for this element so that she can seem like nerdy girl.

Royalty-Free photo: One open book beside pile of books on white table |  PickPik

(I want the book stack to look a bit like this^^^)

Overall, I developed my plot and script to accommodate the layout of my house, also knowing what part of the house I will be using to film, so that everything can work well together in perfect harmony in the end.

PS: The hardest part now is going to be keeping everything clean and put away while I have recording sessions. I also have to find a way to make my sister act for this part; if not, I will play the part myself, and teach my sister how I want it to filmed, since I can't do both things on my own. My last resort will be to ask one of my classmates to help me out with filming. I really don't want to pick this route since I get distracted very quickly (which is why I want to do it with my sister because we live together so we can basically record at any given moment and not have to worry about having to schedule a reunion each time I want to film.) This also gives me the chance to go back and record shots all over again if needed, without any hassle.

Thursday, February 13, 2025

Lost in The Script

Hey everybody! In today's post I will show you my script... hopefully it wont bore you.

In my opening I want to show a large contrast of Camila's different personalities as the opening progresses, which I will accentuate within the way she acts as well as the way her room looks. To make the film look organic, I am thinking of making many long shots without many cuts, which means a lot of practice takes when I truly film.

*important*: I want to accentuate how Camila doesn't wear her glasses anymore and sort of loses her identity. I want that to be able to be analyzed when watching the opening. I have to further develop those shots to add more meaning.

Next week, I will make my storyboard and have it displayed and explained on its own post, so keep an eye out for that!


Lights flash onto CAMILA's face. It is covered in bandages from her surgery. She can't seem to be able to focus her sight as she suddenly takes a cutting deep breath in. Heart monitor beeping can be heard slowing in the background.

CUT TO: ECU of Camila's eyes slowly blinking shut as the heart monitor flatlines.




I wish we knew what was going on inside her head.



ECU of Camila in her bed at home waking up from her alarm.

Camila opens her eyes abruptly. ZOOM OUT. Camila has a tight slick-back hairstyle. She reaches over to shut off the alarm and grab her glasses.

CUT INTO: Image of her nightstand as she shuts off alarm and her hand reaching for glasses. CAMARA PANS LEFT as Camila puts the glasses on and gets up from her bed enthusiastically.

TRACKING SHOT as Camila walks over to see her reflection in the mirror

CAMILA (whispering to herself)

Today’s the day.


She takes a deep breath, staring at herself in the mirror.


CUT TO: Title sequence


Camila opens her eyes hazily. ZOOM OUT. She reaches over lazily to shut off the alarm and doesn't grab her glasses.

CUT INTO: Image of her nightstand as she shuts off alarm. CAMARA PANS LEFT as Camila rubs her eyes and gets up from her bed slowly.

She walks to her mirror once again.

The schedule, that was previously set up nicely on her wall next to her mirror, is now ripped off halfway and crumpled up on the floor. 

Camila faces the mirror.




(groaning) I can be different. I just have to try harder.


She looks at the stacks of books, knocks them down, then looks at her clothes: plain. TRACKING SHOT as Camila then walks over to her closet and grabs a shirt she had never payed attention to before.

CLOSE UP to her hands as they reach for a bright pink top, in contrast to her usual bland outfits. She hesitates but finally takes the shirt off of the hanger to put it on.



Now dressed differently, Camila's hair is free from her regular hairstyle and styled slightly more “fashionably.” She looks at herself in the mirror. Camila smiles. She takes one last look and then walks out of her bathroom, grabs her backpack, and heads out the door.

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Theory Integration: Identity Theory

 Hi! My vlog today will be dedicated to how I will include the Identity theory within my opening.

Description of theory by David Gauntlett: People make sense of their identity through affiliation with larger groups. The media does not create identity but reflects them.

In Camila's story, the Identity Theory can be applied to explore how she discovers her sense of self within a society that prioritizes fitting in with particular beauty standards. According to Gauntlett, identity is not something that the media creates, but something people form through their association with larger social groups. For Camila, this theory works out as she gives in to the standards of beauty and popularity set by the other girls around her in school.  Throughout the film opening, Camila attempts to transform herself, at first through smaller changes like clothing and attitude, before eventually takes the risk of undergoing surgery.

This shows the media’s importance in presenting certain beauty goals to the public and how people take them in to fit in with their social group. The media plays a large part in shaping the beauty standards that Camila believes she must follow to in order to be accepted by those around her.  Camila’s surgery can be seen as an attempt to make herself line up with the image of a "perfect" teenage girl. By changing her appearance, she is trying to reflect back as the group she wishes she could to belong to, reflecting her mental struggle of finding her own identity and meeting expectations of others around her.

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Group Meeting #1

 Hello! To help develop and elaborate ideas, my class had group meetings with different people so that they could listen to other's planning and let them know if they like it and how to improve it or what they should change. 

Today my group was made up of my 4 classmates: Addison, Gaby, Renn, and Vicky. I will discuss their ideas and things I found interesting.

Addison was thinking about developing a film opening under the genre of psychological thriller. She wants to make her film fast paced and make it about a woman who murders her husband. She talked about her idea to make a fake body to really catch the viewers attention while watching this opening, and she even spoke about how she dedicated an entire post to the making of this "corpse." I like her approach to begin the opening by digging a hole in the ground, even though it might be a bit tricky, since there aren't any public places where a person could dig a hole in the ground. Besides this small setback, I think the overall idea will be really interesting to see being done in the end.

How to make a Dead Body For Halloween | Munchkins Planet

Gaby is making her film opening a coming of age movie about a girl that lost her brother. Her character will struggle with drug abuse and having a bad relationship with her parents. The mise-en-scene for her opening will be very important since she wants to reflect her character's state of mind by showing how messy her room is. The whole group really helped out with opening's flow by suggesting small things she can do to better develop the plot for her film.

Why is my room always messy? Tips & Tricks — Junk Brothers

Renn was thinking of making a western film opening about a cowgirl who was out for bounty in a society where it was not seen acceptable to be a female in the position of a cowboy. Renn hopes to make the film eye-opening and reflect the battle of defeating gender-specific stereotypes and ideas with this opening. I really look forward to seeing how this opening will look like in the end, since the western aesthetic for landscape might be a bit hard to find in our area.

Classic Cowgirl - Lucchese

Lastly, Vicky spoke about her idea to make a dystopian film opening about two friends who are presented with the chance of getting superpowers. Since this was the last member to speak, and class was ending, I didn't get the chance to get many notes on her opening's idea. However, I do know that she wants to make one of her characters be excited for this chance to gain superpowers while the other is still unsure. In the end, these superpowers would have to be used for fighting against crime.

In the end, I was very pleased with this group meeting. Although it started off a bit slow, I believe that we got the hang of how to present our ideas and give suggestions to each other. I also liked that everyone in the group had a different genre, as we can see how it affects the overall theme of the film and the type of scenery needed as well as type of character personality. 

I'm really looking forward to having similar meetings in the near future!

Sunday, February 9, 2025

AleBecameStudious, nah... AleComesUpWithHerPlans

Hi everyone! As you get to know about me, you should also know that I like to keep it organized; today I will post an overview of my plan for the next few weeks as I develop my portfolio project.

I will soon make a detailed day-to-day schedule for my filming & editing process and add it to a post once I figure out my filming days and have all my dialogue, casting etc. done and fully panned out.

Week 1 (2/13-2/19)

Research & Planning

    •    Research all main aspects of a film (titles, credits, etc.)

    •    Further develop my plot and characters

    •    Begin writing a script for the film

Week 2 (2/20-2/26)

Production Preparation

    •    Finish developing the plot

    •    Create a first draft for my storyboard

    •    Think of where I can film

    •    Decide who will act as Camila (most likely myself or my sister because of the convenience)

    •    Mark out what days I should clear my calendar to film

Week 3 (2/27-3/4)


    •    Film most, if not all needed scenes

    •    Start mapping out how I will do my foley sounds (or which online platform I will use for pre-made sounds)

Week 4 (3/5-3/11)


    •    Finish my first draft of project

    •    Record foley sounds and start collecting sound effects online

Week 5 (3/12-3/18)

More Editing and Checking Back

    •    Review my first draft

    •    Edit again where needed to create best possible outcome

    •    Work in sound effects and make sure they are in sync

Week 6 (3/19-3/25)

Final Revisions & CCR

    •    Finish all edits

    •    Research for CCR.

    •    Create & review CCR.

Saturday, February 8, 2025

Target Audience

Hey there! My blog idea for today will be target audience. Throughout the school year, I have already learned a lot in class about this term and what it truly is, therefore this blog will mostly be about how I will be putting my knowledge to the test and applying it onto my film.

 First off, I will be developing my target audience. I want my film to be eye-opening, therefore it would most likely be directed to teens in the 12-19 years age gap since they would be the most involved with this sort of movie. From what I mentioned within my Plot Planning + Development post, the main character, Camila, will be a teenage Colombian girl who wants to change herself to seemingly fit in.

Within my film I will include a topic that was inspired by a lesson from my Spanish language and culture class this year, that was focused on identity and how it is developed within a person in a community. A harsh reality we talked about within that class was how many girls around 15-17 years of age in Colombia tend to ask for a nose job as a birthday gift, rather than a car or jewelry, like many teen girls in the United States do. This reflects the harsh standards that girls present on themselves at that young age and how they want to look perfect and reach people's standards. 

Rhinoplasty Bogotá | Nose Job Colombia | Nose Surgery

This is why I want the ultimate lesson of my film to be that the people who truly love you for who you are will never judge you for how you may look on the outside, and they love you for how you express yourself on the inside. I also want to raise awareness for this topic and help people be more confident with who they are, rather than seeking approval from insignificant others around them, when what truly matters is the people who care for you regardless.

This ties back to target audience, which would also apply to teenage girls in Colombia. Because of this, I would like to include certain phrases in Spanish so that they can relate to my film and see themselves in Camila's shoes. 

Friday, February 7, 2025

Credit Craze

Hey there! Today's post will be about credit scenes and how they are included into opening scenes. This will help me visualize what type of credits my final project will have included in it (,and it will also leave me with new knowledge on how to use certain techniques to seamlessly integrate my credits throughout my film opening). 

1. Se7en
I noticed the following things in Se7en's opening credits:
- It includes a font that seems edgy and it doesn't just show up and stay still, it moves around and sort of glitches, which could grab the viewer's attention to it but doesn't distract them from the main film. elements.
- The music it is paired up with goes along with the glitches on the credits as they pop in and out.
- It shows the credits as it begins to develop the opening and doesn't have any crucial scenes that the viewers will get distracted from because of the eye captivating credits.
- Most of the credits are placed in the middle of a black screen in between sequences, creating short pauses in between the shots.
- When the credits are shown on top of a shot, it is typically placed on a corner (top/bottom left or top/bottom right)
The credits in this film help develop an ominous mood and leaves the viewer feeling unsettled.
A technique I would most likely use as a key takeaway from this research would most likely be the credits on a blank screen or the shaky text to keep it flowing.

2. Fight Club
Fight Club's opening credit scene pairs along with the music, and gives the viewer an adrenaline rush as it glows on the screen and then suddenly poofs away. The screen begins to go dark and then a flash occurs before each credit is newly placed onto the screen, which captures the viewers attention, and draws it into the bright credit placed large onto the middle of the screen.

Although this idea doesn't match up with how I would want my film to be perceived, it is still an amazing development of a credit scene. The credits pass as the viewer seems to travel through space with the whooshing visual effect of the glow.

3. The Pianist
The Pianist's opening credits uses a softer approach and includes scrolling texts for the credits on top of a shot of a person playing the piano. This technique subconsciously draws people's eyes to the credits as the look at the quickly moving hands playing the piano music being heard, and they end up looking at the credits (even if they don't realize!). It also seems calming as it is paired along with ear-pleasing piano music.

A takeaway from this opening credits that I found very important was to use elements within the film that catch the viewer's eyes as a way to have them concentrate on the credits.

FINAL TAKEAWAY: I think I have a really good understanding of how placement of the credits works together with the music to help set a mood as the film begins. It can either slowly introduce the viewer onto the movie, or set them straight into defensive with rustic music and sharp font.

Some important credits I would include in my film are: 
- Producer
- Director
- Writer
- Camara work
- Editor
- 1 or 2 main actor
- Music credit

Thursday, February 6, 2025

Plot Planning + Development

HELLO, this post is going to be sort of a mental map of my first development idea for my opening.

I would like to make my film opening about a 16 year old Colombian girl named Camila that is nerdy, plays an instrument, and has never talked to a teenage boy, who  makes small changes to her self image (clothing, attitude, etc.) and eventually decides to get a facial surgery to make herself  like other high school girls her age after many failed attempts at changing herself on a smaller spectrum so that she could fit in and be seen as "prettier". This would be an interpretation of how many teenage girls in Colombia change themselves to fit in or be accepted by others around them by asking their parents for permission to get plastic surgery (specifically rhinoplasty) as a birthday gift, regardless of what measures they would have to go through.

I would like to start my story with the girl’s face wrapped up in bandages on a hospital bed so the viewer knows straight away what happens at the end and they start off the film questioning how it is that the girl got to that point. This also introduces some of the main aspects to the viewer.

How Long to Wear a Head Wrap after a Facelift

**Perfect moment to use a temporal graphic match** could be the girl lying on the hospital bed with her eyes closed to her on her bed at home waking up on an extreme close up when her alarm goes off. This would bring the viewer back to the beginning.

On the first scene after the hospital bed, I would include her room, which is very basic and bland, with decorations that are only in black and white. She will have a detailed schedule of what to do along her walls, which throughout the move she while slowly stop caring of and leaves off not completing it. She also has many books stacked up on her desk, with reading glasses topping off this mountain. She looks over and grabs her glasses. *eyeline match*

Camilas basic fiscal appearance

- long dark brown hair

Long Wavy Dark Brown Lace Front Synthetic Hair Wig LF117

- dark brown eyes

Make-up for Dark Brown Eyes - YouTube

- wears glasses

Ray-Ban RX5285 Black Eyeglasses | Includes FREE Rx Lenses

Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Drama Film Opening Research (in progress)

Hi readers! Today's post I will focus on the general image of film openings and how they are typically made. The films I will discuss are Whiplash, La La Land, and The Butterfly Effect,

1. Whiplash

In the film Whiplash, the main elements of the movie are all crammed into the opening, introducing the viewer into the plot straight away. It establishes the setting, two main characters, the situation presented where there is a music student and a teacher, and straight away starts developing his character showing by bringing the viewer closer to him after introducing him from a far distance away to make him look small. This tracking shot is made to seem like the viewer is going to follow along with his journey, which automatically connects to them to Andrew (the student)

Aice Media: Whiplash Opening Sequence Analysis – therealshelbymyers

I would like to incorporate this similar technique into my movie by showing all the elements that can help develop the plot. This would include the girls family life by showing that her parents are careless and allow the girl to get a surgery 

2. La La Land

La La Land's opening scene includes an eye catching song sequence of "Another Day of Sun" as the two main characters are introduced at first. The small humming to music on the radio during a traffic jam, quickly led to a whole dance party with people dressed in vivid colors on the middle of the highway.

Fun fact: this shot blocked actual traffic on Los Angeles, California's Interstate 105 as it connect to Interstate 110, which is a very frequently used highway.

This scene was made to seem as a big boom to immediately tell the viewers that the film would revolve around music and dancing, yet it still tied it back to the main characters (Mia and Sebastian), as it begun with them two arguing in their cars.

La La Land - Filming Locations: The Traffic Dance (Another Day of Sun )

I liked the idea of incorporating important aspects of the overall film in a creative way onto the opening, however something big like this definitely takes a lot of budget, which I unfortunately do not have as a regular high school student without a job or sponsor.

3. The Butterfly Effect

In the Butterfly Effect, the opening scene is very confusing to first-time viewers as it essentially starts off at the end of the movie. It shows one of the very last scenes as the main character tries to travel back in time once more in a way he had never done before. Obviously, the viewer doesn't know this at first, so the whole scene leaves them with questions, with no clue as to what was going on. 

The rush as the boy runs and hides to write a note about "saving her" leaves the viewer thinking, since no girl has yet been introduced in the movie and it starts formulating questions, just about a minute into the film.

The Butterfly Effect - Film Opening

This approach at the movie is something that partially inspired my idea for my film opening, which ultimately helped me develop my plot in its beginning stages. When I watched the Butterfly Effect, I noticed I was a lot more into the movie because the beginning left me wondering how this situation even happened. Without that scene used as the opener, I genuinely don't think I would have been as interested in watching the movie as I truly was.

Sunday, February 2, 2025

Drama vs. Documentary

 Two genres that i think could have a large impact and go along well with the plot are drama and documentary. I would like to make my film opening about a teen girl that makes small changes to her self image and eventually decides to get a facial surgery to make herself "perfect" after many failed attempts at changing herself on a smaller spectrum so that she could fit in and be seen as "prettier". This would be an exaggeration of how many teenage girls change themselves to fit in or be accepted by others around them, regardless of what measures they would have to go through.

Genre option - Drama:

I believe drama would be a great choice considering it usually includes a more serious tone and is more emotional. It is made to appeal to the viewer so that they keep watching, which I think makes it the perfect genre for my storyline idea.

example film: Whiplash

Movie Review: Whiplash

This film's introduction includes a lot of sound connected cues, which draws the viewer closer to the mail character as soon as the film begins. I would most likely use this combination of shots and sound to start off the opening and have the viewer see themselves in the position of the teenage girl.

The film also includes many ups and downs of the protagonist's mental state which is a good choice for a film that wants to connect with the viewers, since it makes is seem more organic and natural how not everything in life succeeds straight away.

Saturday, February 1, 2025

The Beginning of the End

Hello readers, from now on I will be transitioning to blog about my Cambridge portfolio project. Throughout the year, I have made a few posts regarding key details and projects I have had to get me prepared to blog for this final project. But now, I'm at the home stretch, the finale, the beginning of the end.

I cant believe how much I have changed within these few months of the school year, and how much I've learned. Now I have to make it worth all the struggle and put my knowledge to practice. A perfect example of how to do that, is to use my notes about film openings to help me decide how I will attack this project. In these following posts, I will be blogging about my whole process of ideas and everything I will do to develop my opening down to every detail.

To approach the project, I began with developing an idea of what story I would like my film to tell the viewers and then I thought of what movie genre I would present along with it. I thought of doing a film opening that could have a large impact on teen girls mentally in a way that they could most likely relate to, and include a character versus self conflict. The character in my film would be a teenage girl going through the struggles of not fitting in with others her age. 


Camera Equipment Needed

 Hi guys! Here’s a quick little post about what equipment i will be using to record.

First, I would have to ask my teacher for permission to borrow these things, but I would like to use a stabilizer and a tripod.

At home I already have my own tripod, but its very old, so if I have any issues with it I will most likely have to borrow one from class. I would use the tripod for shots where Camila is looking at herself in front of her mirror. 

I would most likely use the handheld stabilizer for all my other shots, since I want to make the film opening look as organic as possible in comparison to any similar situations in actuality. I would provide this look with smoother movements and natural moving so that the shots flow together and aren’t entirely still the whole time.

Group Meeting #2

 Hi everyone! In class today we had a group meeting to help each other out with ideas for our CCR videos. First up, Emi introduced her two ...